
A blog about things I do and things I like

Bayesian data analysis

If you’re struggling to understand Bayesian data analysis, here’s something to get you started. It’s a series of three videos made by Rasmus Bååth that provide a gentle introduction to both, the theoretical framework, and the computational implementation. Enjoy! Part 1 <h2... [Read More]

All you need is ggplot

I recently stumbled into this thread in stackoverflow and got inspired to design my own android wallpaper. I love dark wallpapers, they are both nice and save energy, specially if your phone has an AMOLED screen. I used Axeman’s answer but the other... [Read More]

AquaEpi 2016

Last week I attended the First global conference in Aquatic Animal Epidemiology AquaEpi I - 2016 in Oslo, Norway. It was a great opportunity to share my work with top researchers in aquaculture as well as fellow students. As posted in the event website, The conference aims to... [Read More]

Treatment failure Shinyapp

I’ve been playing with Shinyapps for a while and I just made one to get predictions for treatment failure from the model in the paper I published recently. You can get the code in the app’s Github repository, or run it locally with: shiny::runGitHub("donlelek/srs-pred-app") You... [Read More]

Exploratory Desktop: your door to the Hadleyverse

Yesterday I found Exploratory Desktop, and it’s awesome. It’s only OSX compatible right now, but Windows and Linux will be available eventually. Exploratory Desktop it’s a User Interface (UI) for R and the very popular, Hadley Wickham’s package dplyr, which is not a surprise since the developer also runs... [Read More]

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