AquaEpi 2016

Last week I attended the First global conference in Aquatic Animal Epidemiology AquaEpi I - 2016 in Oslo, Norway. It was a great opportunity to share my work with top researchers in aquaculture as well as fellow students.

As posted in the event website,

The conference aims to bring together leading scientists, researchers and research students from all parts of the world to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Aquatic Animal Epidemiology. It will also provide a platform for discussion about how to meet the research needs of aquaculture industry and facilitate interaction with stakeholders, industry and regulatory agencies for fruitful collaborations. The conference will provide in-depth coverage of current and future epidemiological tools and their practical implications to aquaculture. Topic-focused sessions will cover but not limit to:

  • optimizing use of epidemiology data
  • design and evaluation of risk factor studies
  • molecular epidemiology
  • spatial and temporal patterns in prevalence and risk mapping
  • diagnostic misclassification
  • design and evaluation of surveillance and control
  • risk analysis

I extracted the schedule along with links to the abstracts from their web page and put it together in one place. Unfortunately, if you’re interested in participating you’ll have to wait until 2018 and save some money to go to Thailand, but you can still participate in the International Society for Aquatic Animal Epidemiology, just follow then on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin.

Scientific program

Last updated: September 16, 2016

Day 1 (20th September, 2016 – Tuesday)

Time Title Speaker
10:30 11:00 Keynote: Food security, zoonoses, diet and climate change on the blue planet – an epidemiologist’s perspective Kenton Morgan
  Session 1 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Larry Hammell
11:00 11:15 Use of the Facebook social media network to establish the distribution and prevalence of dusky grouper dermatitis (DGD) in Libyan waters Jamila  Rizgalla
11:15 11:30 Epidemiology study of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) in Malaysian groupers: sequence analysis strategies and quasispecies determinant’s Sandra Catherine Zainathan
11:30 11:45 Identification of the key pathogens responsible for production losses at grouper nurseries in Aceh Indonesia Joy Becker
11:45 12:00 Molecular epidemiology of Aeromonas hydrophila based on 16 S ribosomal RNA and outer membrane protein W in different aquatic organisms Hetron Mweemba Munang’andu
  Session 2 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Gillian Mylrea
13:30 13:45 Molecular characterization of Edwardsiella tarda from different aquatic organisms using 16S ribosomal RNA and the outer membrane protein A Hetron Mweemba Munang’andu
13:45 14:00 Of Fish and Men: Interspecies transmission of Streptococcus agalactiae? Ruth Nicolet Zadoks
14:00 14:15 Phylogenetic comparison of the virulence and antigenic properties of Streptococcus agalactiae biotypes I and II from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with other vertebrate species Øystein  Evensen
14:15 14:30 Use of DNA sequencing to map Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus iniae infections in farmed Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on Lake Kariba in Zambia Patricia  Bwalya
14:45 15:15 Keynote: Collaboration between epidemiologists and the aquaculture industry in South-East Asia: Opportunities and Obstructions Visanu Boonyawiwat
  Session 3 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Charles Caraguel
15:15 15:30 Evaluating the role of live fish support vessels in disease transmission in marine aquaculture in Norway Tadaishi Yatabe
15:30 15:45 Disease risks of fish farming in public reservoirs: a follow-up study conducted in Três Marias, Brazil Marina K. Delphino
15:45 16:00 Epidemiology of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in Atlantic salmon marine farms in Chile, from 2010-2014 Fernando O Mardones
16:00 16:15 Epidemiological investigations into infectious hematopoietic necrosis cases in South Germany Carola  Sauter-Louis
  Session 4 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Sophie St. Hilaire
16:30 16:45 Risk factors for treatment failure in antibiotic treatments against Piscirickettsiosis in farmed Atlantic salmon in Chile Derek Price
16:45 17:00 Risk factors associated with viral haemorrhagic septicemia outbreaks in rainbow trout farms in Iran during 2014-2015 Saeed  Bokaie
17:00 17:15 Risk factors associated with clinical Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) in marine farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in New Brunswick, Canada Annette Boerlage
17:15 17:30 Space-time modelling of the spread of pancreas disease(PD) within and between Norwegian marine salmonid farms Magne  Aldrin

Day 2 (21st September, 2016 – Wednesday)

Time Title Speaker
09:00 09:30 Keynote:New opportunities for surveillance information management for aquaculture and possible impacts on the way we do surveillance Angus Cameron
  Session 5 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Fernando Mardones
09:30 09:45 Area management strategies for disease control in aquaculture: Perspectives on infectious salmon anemia (ISA) spread from two continents Lori  Gustafson
09:45 10:00 Controlling the spread of infectious salmon anemia (ISA) Lars  Qviller
10:00 10:15 Analysis of risk factors for isolated outbreak of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) in marine farms with Atlantic salmon Trude Marie Lyngstad
10:15 10:30 A proposed surveillance approach for epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) in South Africa Kevin Christison
  Session 6 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Annette Boerlage
11:00 11:15 Development of a Sea Lice Surveillance Ontology for Data Integration from Wild Salmon Monitoring Programs on the West Coast of Canada Thitiwan  Patanasatienkul
11:15 11:30 Suitability of remotely-sensed sea surface temperature for aquaculture research: comparison with in situ records from salmon farms in British Columbia (BC), Canada Krishna  Thakur
11:30 11:45 Time Series Regression in Aquaculture Henrik  Stryhn
11:45 12:00 The direction of sampling bias when hooking fish from a sea cage: case study of fluke monitoring in Australian farmed Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) Charles  Caraguel
13:30 14:00 Keynote: Using big data analytics and other new methods for the modelling of infectious diseases affecting aquatic organisms Beatriz Martinez Lopez
  Session 7 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Saraya Tavornpanich
14:00 14:15 Movements of live salmonids in Scotland: Conservation of network structure Koji  Yamamoto
14:15 14:30 Evaluation of the biosecurity and network of the Irish salmonid farming industry: implications for disease prevention and control Tadaishi Yatabe
14:30 14:45 How network analysis of oyster movements can improve surveillance and control programs of infectious diseases? Coralie  Lupo
14:45 15:00 Identification of suitable areas for pathogen introduction and establishment to inform the design of risk-based surveillance for oyster diseases: the example of Mikrocytos mackini in the Charente-Maritime bay, France Coralie  Lupo
  Session 8 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Edmund Peeler
15:15 15:30 Mollusc disease situation in Europe: what’s new since 2008? Isabelle  Arzul
15:30 15:45 Correlation between the occurrence of Dinophisis spp. blooms and Okadaic acid presence in mussels farmed in marine environment of north-eastern Italy: a preliminary study Laura Bille
15:45 16:00 Health monitoring in wild anadromous salmonids -Evidence of absence or absence of evidence? Åse Helen  Garseth
16:00 16:15 A non-invasive technique for determining metal concentrations in live turtles Bruce  Gummow
  Session 9 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Britt Bang Jensen
16:30 16:45 Enhancing incentives for disease control in aquaculture: a research agenda Mona Dverdal Jansen
16:45 17:00 Infectious disease impact and its role in informing decisions on disease management in aquaculture systems in Bangladesh Maria  Garza
17:00 18:00 Poster session  

Day 3 (22nd September, 2016 – Thursday)

Time Title Speaker
09:00 09:30 Keynote: Next-generation surveillance in aquaculture: Opportunities and challenges emerging from the use of molecular and genomic data Katrina Stärk
  Session 10 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Angus Cameron
09:30 09:45 Biosecurity system reforms and the development of a risk-based surveillance and pathway analysis system for ornamental fish imported into Australia Yuko  Hood
09:45 10:00 Strategic approaches to identifying pathogens of imported ornamental fish and the risk posed to biosecurity in Australia Joy A. Becker
10:00 10:15 Effectiveness of alternative sanitizer treatments for inactivating Piscirickettsia salmonis Ana  Muniesa
10:15 10:30 The use of oral boosters as an alternative to control Piscirickettsia salmonis in farmed salmon in Chile Jaime A Tobar
  Session 11 (12 mins oral presentation + 3 mins discussion) Chair Person: Beatriz Martinez Lopez
10:45 11:00 Time to the first medical treatment of farmed salmon to control salmon lice, a survival analysis approach Ekaterina  Mogstad
11:00 11:15 A tool to predict sea lice levels on salmon farms in Chile Sophie  St-Hilaire
11:15 11:30 Effects of different strategies for lice control, a simulation experiment Anja B. Kristoffersen
11:30 12:00 Keynote: Lessons and challenges in implementing aquatic disease surveillance in developing countries Melba B. Reantaso

Poster list

Number Title Corresponding author
P1 Production and health constraints to sustainable Nile tilapia production by small-holders, using net cages at the Três Marias reservoir, Brazil Vitor Salvador Picão Gonçalves
P2   Antimicrobial usages in freshwater trout industry in France. The results of the first nationwide survey Sophie  Le Bouquin
P3   Rotavirus presence in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from Southwestern Albanian Coasts Rigers  Bakiu
P4 Doctor fish, beauty centres and public health: three keywords for a possible marriage to respect fish welfare and human health Paolo  Pastorino / Erika Burioli
P5 First evidence of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in the Netherlands Olga  Haenen
P6 The application of epidemiology in fish populations: parasitic zoonoses transmitted by freshwater fish Cristina Bona / Erika Burioli
P7 Risk factors associated with soft-shelled lobsters (Homarus americanus) in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada Krishna  Thakur
P8 Genotyping Of Lactococcus garvieae isolated From Rainbow Trout By RAPD-PCR Using M13 And P5 Primers In Turkey Izzet Burcin SATICIOĞLU
P9 Genotyping Of Yersinia ruckeri Isolated From Rainbow Trout In Turkey By RAPD-PCR Izzet Burcin SATICIOĞLU
P10 VIVALDI, A H2020 European project aiming at preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases Isabelle  Arzul
P11 Sampling design for biotoxins monitoring in bivalve molluscs crops of the Santa Catarina coast, Brazil Isabella  Fontana
P12 Progress towards targeting disease prophylaxis in European fish farming (TARGETFISH) Hetron Mweemba Munang’andu
P13 Prevalence and phylogenetic analysis of OsHV-1 in wild populations of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Italy Erika Burioli
P14 Description and epidemiological characterization of the cyprinid fish parasite fauna in the upper and middle River Duero Basin (NW Spain) Ana  Muniesa
P15 First insights into transmission dynamics of the ostreid herpervirus 1 (OsHV-1) between Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, using experimental infection data Coralie  Lupo
P16 Molecular characterization of Aquabirnaviruses isolated from farmed rainbow trout in Kenya Isaac Mulei
P17 Epidemiology and Molecular characterization of iridovirids detected in Tanzania Augustino Chengula
P18 “She’s got the ticket to ride, but she don’t care” (The Beatles, 1965): The epidemiology of Gyrodactylus salaris in the best wild salmon river in the Baltic Sea basin Perttu Koski
P19 Occurrence and levels of chemical contaminants and their effect on disease susceptibility and reproductive performance on Tilapia species from Lake Kariba in Zambia Chalumba Simukoko
P20 Spatial analysis and distribution of Piscirickettsia salmonis on wild and fereal fish populations in southern Chile Sergio Contreras

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