
A blog about things I do and things I like

(Another) Best reference manager for academics

Best reference manager for academics (Includes a recommendation) While there is no shortage of articles about what is the best reference manager, I wanted to know what is the recommended option for scholars. I started with a comparison chart in wikipedia and then wandered the web in search... [Read More]

Using R for data wrangling

Get your dataset ready for the analysis Stata has been my main analysis tool for the last year, mainly because it is what everybody uses around here, recently R is becoming increasingly accesible with the arrival of the dplyr and tidyr... [Read More]

Integrate your text editor with Stata

How to integrate your text editor with Stata I’ve been using Stata for almost a year now and I like it a lot, but the integrated do-file editor is somehow limited; also, I love the advanced features that text editors have to offer (multiple cursors, block selection, regex... [Read More]

First Post

A simple personal Blog I made this blog using Jekyll, and Poole, see Poole in action with the demo site. It’s easy, just follow this tutorial and you will have your own minimalistic blog in minutes. Have Fun! [Read More]

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